Monday, May 16, 2011

The House on First Street: Part 2 Questions

Interesting questions to finish up the book...I'm excited to hear what you guys think!


From the first go around it seems there was a general negative feeling towards the author. Do you feel any guilt for criticizing an author who was brave enough to put part of her life in writing for the world to see?

What surprised you the most about the details of the aftermath of Katrina?

Did it surprise you how much money Julia spent on food for the relief workers?

After reading about Julia's acts of service and coverage of Katrina in the second half of the book, has your opinion of her changed?

Write your posts with your responses and link up!


  1. Almost a month late but I finally did my post on the end!

  2. We are hosting a Pamper Yourself Giveaway! Please stop by and enter.

  3. Hi there! I’m sorry but I’m really not updated with the book yet. That’s a pretty good question. In my opinion, any emotion on the author simply means he really is an effective and convincing writer to be able to influence and affect the emotions of his reader. Anyway, keep reading and enjoy!

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  4. Do you still have your normal blog? I can't seem to find it.
