Friday, March 25, 2011

Send In Your Questions!

Hey book clubbers!

I have already finished Part Two and can't wait to start Part Three of Black Heels to Tractor Wheels!

When you finish Part Two, go ahead and leave a comment here with some questions you'd like the book club to answer next week. This will give us a chance to get them sorted and posted by Monday morning.

The questions to Part One were so much fun and we had some great discussion, so I can't wait to see what we talk about after reading Part Two!


  1. I haven't finished part 2 yet, but here's a couple of questions I've thought of:

    What did you think of Marlboro Man's proposal? How would you feel if you were proposed to like that?

    She wrote a lot about never riding in a pickup truck before and how she used to judge girls who rode in the middle. After being with Marlboro Man she felt differently and actually wanted to ride in the middle. How do you feel about that? Have you ever judged somebody and then after learning more, regret that you had judged them?

  2. After their first fight, did it make you question if Marlboro man was the one to give up everything for, or was Ree willing to do it because it was easy when everything else seemed hard?

    Do you wonder what Ree is doing all day? How is she finically making it? Is she really just waiting around all day to meet up with Marlboro man at night?

    Would you let your now husband duck out of your reception to watch a football game?
